
2023年7月7日—WhatistheCurrentbehavior?Thebuttonclickdoesnotwork.Testcafedoesnotfailbyclickingonitandassumestheclickworked.Whatis ...,2019年8月13日—WhatisyourTestScenario?IwanttoperformaCLICKonabutton.WhatistheCurrentbehavior?TheButtonisvisiblebuttheCLICK ...,今天我們實際使用TestCafe三神器Selectors,Actions,Assertions實作一個簡單的自動化測試,填寫TestCafeExamplePage表單.整個自動化測試流程需完成...

Some clicks don't work in native automation mode #7867

2023年7月7日 — What is the Current behavior? The button click does not work. Testcafe does not fail by clicking on it and assumes the click worked. What is ...

Problem on CLICK action #4146

2019年8月13日 — What is your Test Scenario? I want to perform a CLICK on a button. What is the Current behavior? The Button is visible but the CLICK ...

[Day 14] 用TestCafe 三神器SAA 自動化測試填表單

今天我們實際使用TestCafe 三神器Selectors, Actions, Assertions 實作一個簡單的自動化測試,填寫TestCafe Example Page 表單. 整個自動化測試流程需完成以下步驟:.

How to locateclick selector (button) using testcafe

2019年3月25日 — I am trying to test the submission of an application using testcafe. However, I don't seem to be able to get testcafe to click the 'Submit ...


2020年5月18日 — As far as I can tell, I can see the mouse pointer is moving on top of the button but for some reason, the click event is not getting registered.

Test <select> Elements | Basics

Use this selector to click the element and invoke the drop-down menu. await t.click(citySelect);.

Test Actions

TestCafe includes a comprehensive set of test action methods. Test actions look like this: await t.click('#button');. Test actions interact with the page and ...

doubleClick() | TestController

A CSS selector string. test('Click submit', async t => // Click will be performed on the first element ...

rightClick() | TestController

... Click last checkbox', async t => // Click will be performed on the element selected by // the 'getLastItem' selector. await t.click(lastCheckbox); });. A ...

click() | TestController

TestCafe waits for the target element to become visible before it executes an action. If this does not happen within the selector timeout, the test fails.

TypeText 1.34 快速插入常用字句的小幫手

TypeText 1.34 快速插入常用字句的小幫手
